
Entrust Private SSL

TLS/SSL Certificates

The use of non-fully qualified domain name (FQDN) certificates has been being deprecated.Entrust provides a straightforward option that allows the continued  use of non-registered names by deploying cost-effective Entrust  Private SSL Certificates. A FQDN,is a domain name that does not have a registered root domain. 

Migration to Entrust Private SSL Certificates from in-house, Self-Signed Certificates enables the continued use of non-registered domain names. This new type of privately trusted certificate provides the same key sizes, signing algorithms, validity periods and CA protection as Entrust’s proven publicly trusted SSL certificates — all issued via a private shared CA that ensures no two names are alike.

Enabling Continued Use of Non-Registered Domain Names.

Benefits :

Secures non-qualified domain names  such as reserved IP addresses and local host names.
Helps secure internal fully qualified  domain names (FQDN) that do not require public trust.
Provides same key sizes, signing algorithms, validity periods and CA protection as publicly trusted certificates.
Managed via same certificate  management system as publically trusted certificates.
Secures up to 250 domains (SANs) when purchased via CMS.
Includes unlimited server licenses and re-issues.
Supports 2048-bit keys and 128- or 256-bit SSL encryption.